Duration 1:25

Using Vavr in jshell

194 watched
Published 15 Jan 2019

Vavr, formerly called Javaslang, is an object-functional library that runs with Java 8+. It aims to reduce the lines of code and increase code quality. For more information on Vavr, please visit http://vavr.io In this screencast I show, how to use Vavr in the Java Shell tool (JShell). On a Mac, I use the following alias (prerequisites: Java 8+ and coursier): alias vavr="jshell --class-path \"$(coursier fetch -p io.vavr:vavr:0.9.3)\" --startup ~/.jshell/vavr.jsh" (Note: You may have noticed, that the variable name 'factorial' should have been 'sum'.)


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