Duration 8:38

Treatment of White Discharge in hindi. महिलाओं में लिकोरिया का इलाज/ Safed Pani Ka Ilaj. @DrArifKhan

1 982 watched
Published 4 Dec 2021

Hello! friends -😊 Friends, I am Drx Arif Khan and you are watching Arif pharma Clinic. So friends, all of you are welcome to my YouTube channel. Friends, who have not subscribed to the channel yet, subscribe. Links 😊 My 2nd Youtube Channel (Vlogs):- /channel/UCHUqI_2IiQMTXu6Lx7rIkYw My Website :- आर्टिकल पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करे और फॉलो करें। https://www.arifpharma.com Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/drx_arifkhan/ Twitter:- https://mobile.twitter.com/ArifDrx Facebook: - https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id Treatment of Lekoria Treatment Of Lechorria in Hindi Vaginal Discharge Safed Pani Ka Ilaj Safed Pani Kyu Ata hai White Discharge ka Ilaj Drx Arif Khan Candid CL tablet Fast Kit tablet Candid V3 Tablet How to use Candid v3 tablet #TreatmentOfWhiteDischargeInFemale #VaginalDischargeTreatment #HoToUseCandidV #SafedPaniKaIlaj #DrxArifKhan #Lechorria #LekoriaKaIlaj #CandidVTablet #VaginalTablets #FemaleProblemSolution #ArifPharmaClinic


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