Duration 3:18

How To Get BETTER COLOR in VALORANT (read desc)

916 watched
Published 4 Nov 2021

You want a better color in-game ? Release : For people who ask how my game is so vibrant it's going to be hard to get it because you can only put your saturation at 100% in your nvidia panel, nvidia filter are not working and other software that i tried to get more vibrance don't work in fullscreen but if you play windowed fullscreen (you are going to get less fps/latency) you are going to make work this solution : First you need to get windows 11 and to go to your Settings - Color Filter - Activate the color filter and pick Red-Green (deutéranopie), it's working in windowed fullscreen for me but in fullscreen exclusive that's not going to work Notice : I will do a video update when a solution come on How to get better color in valorant ?


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