Duration 5:6

Changes to Unlisted Videos Uploaded Before 2017

84 043 watched
1.5 K
Published 23 Jun 2021

Any Unlisted videos that were uploaded before January 1st, 2017 will be moved to Private starting July 23, 2021 - unless you take action. In this video, we'll walk you through what actions you can take before this change takes effect. If you would like your affected videos to remain Unlisted in their current state, you can opt out of this change here: https://support.google.com/youtube/contact/older_unlisted_update To see the videos affected by this change, click here from a computer: https://yt.be/help/J8ndb Learn more with this Help Center article: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9230970 This is happening because in 2017, we rolled out a security update to the system that generates new Unlisted video links. This update included security enhancements that make the links for your Unlisted videos even harder for someone to discover if you haven’t shared the link with them. We’re now making changes to older Unlisted videos that were uploaded before this update took place. We understand that this change may be challenging, so we’re giving you time to make adjustments to your videos before this change takes effect starting July 23, 2021. Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos: https://goo.gl/So4XIG ► Check out our Help Center: https://goo.gl/fBzr7


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Comments - 809
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    @youtubecreators3 years ago To see the videos affected by this change, click here from a computer:
    If you would like your affected videos to remain Unlisted in their current state, you can opt out of this change here:
    Learn more with this Help Center article:
    You have time to make adjustments to your affected videos before this change takes effect starting July 23, 2021.
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    @cfl5656563 years ago So, essentially you are deciding that all unlisted videos on inactive channels should now just be completely inaccessible? That will be a huge loss of . ...Expand 616
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    @LittleshyFiM3 years ago I am baffled by how far youtube will go out of its way to implement a terrible policy in the most obnoxious and poorly thought out way. Just when i think just make this an opt-in process instead, and notify people to make the change if they wish. Actually that' s redundant since people could already make their own videos private if they wanted. This does nothing except remove countless historic and sentimental videos that are already difficult to find as unlisted links. Whoever is in charge at youtube clearly doesn' t understand that people' s lives are documented on here. Memories, history, information, etc. These things are already threatened by broken copyright laws, ridiculous policies, and malfunctioning moderation bots. Why go out of your way to make things worse?
    people use unlisted videos for smaller communities, groups, and events. Creators of content often make their old videos unlisted when moving onto new things in order to allow fans to revisit them if they wish. Unlisted videos aren' t just things people wish to hide from the public; they' re often used for organizational or convenience purposes. Toremove all unlisted videos on inactive channels is probably youtube' s most egregious update yet, and that' s saying something.
    why, youtube? I cannot wrap my head around the level of evilness or the sheer level of incompetency which must be involved here. Wow
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    @Game-BeatX143 years ago This is really awful. Inactive or deceased channels owners won' t be able to opt out of the change. So much older unlisted content will be lost forever: 442
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    @KugeeRah3 years ago Make no mistake, this isn' t about security. This is nothing but a desperate, pointless measure to try to cut corners on bandwidth usage which is going . ...Expand 227
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    @AverageSynth3 years ago The lost media community isn' t going to be happy. 252
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    @WumbleWasp3 years ago I completely struggle to understand the reasoning behind this. If anyone cares aboutthey wouldn' t have made the videos unlisted in the first place. Now countless unlisted videos on inactive channels will be gone forever. ...Expand 187
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    @navyblues66613 years ago This is seriously the worst thing to ever happen. A good number of my favorite unlisted videos were uploaded before 2017 and now that they' all be private . ...Expand 91
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    @Brainulator93 years ago This is pointless and destructive. Plenty of old videos that belong to inactive channels will no longer be accessible. At this point, what is even the . ...Expand 210
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    @Spork8883 years ago Please no. I can' t stand having more and more of my old favorites disappearing. I have used youtube since 2006, my favorites playlist from a decade . ...Expand 119
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    @DrOcsid3 years ago This literally benefits no one. If people are worried about their video' s security they can just private it themselves. 199
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    @PASRC3 years ago Please reconsider this change. There are many old videos from inactive accounts that are unlisted. Many of these accounts simply won' t know/care about . ...Expand 127
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    @SomeDudeWithAnExitSign3 years ago I had a lot of old videos that people unlisted for no reason in a playlist. The unlisted videos were fine. You didnt need to change them. Fire susan. 189
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    @_xeere3 years ago Yet more history erased.
    good job as always youtube.
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    @phoenixflambe33193 years ago What kind of security requires removing history from a museum? Oh wait, you don' t see yourself as a museum despite the massive library of videos. 23
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    @toaster72393 years ago Why doesn' t youtube actually care about how their users react? Who thought this would be a good idea, and why don' t they ask the people who it actually affects? 117
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    @TingFeng773 years ago Rip in peace all those old choose your adventure videos. 66
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    @Cowman97913 years ago ' security' to youtube basically means ' lets annoy as many inactive users as possible' 22
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    @SweetPeteInTheBackSeat3 years ago Wow, imagine if your billion dollar company put even an hour of thought into decisions. 79
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    @SpectrumAssociates3 years ago " also, all videos uploaded before january 1st, 2017 will be delisted from the platform and resold as a bunch of nfts. " 39
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    @larsn973 years ago What an evil move.
    this change will make so much great and often historical videos disappear forever. By choosing to use an opt-out decision countless . ...Expand 31
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    @lokundjoside3 years ago Imagine giving people a month to adjust to such a massive change instead of a year. 10
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    @smivan.3 years ago This is an absolutely terrible decision - the amount of classic content from unmaintained channels that will be buried by this is frankly disturbing. id="hidden14"
    also - there' s no reason youtube couldn' t implement aon server-side and transfer the data with it, what is this " reupload your videos to use new features" garbage
    . ...Expand 27
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    @Errorviliy3 years ago Making susan the ceo of youtube was the biggest mistake ever on history. 17
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    @theuseraccountname3 years ago Alternative title: we are going to break a not insignificant part of the web on july 23, 2021. 30
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    @Aranimda3 years ago What kind of security update are we talking about? Why can' t you make the affected old videos secure as well? 11
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    @dyne11603 years ago As if we needed another reminder of how incredibly out of touch your company is with the wants of the community that uses your site. I can only hope and until then, please keep doing what you guys do best. Which is nothing. ...Expand 100
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    @ShineStreet3 years ago Whoever' s in charge with youtube privacy policies needs serious help. 27
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    @BrendanWeibrecht3 years ago This is absolutely ridiculous. I imagine the vast majority of old and abandoned channels will most likely not opt out, so the world will lose access to important history and culture. You have just created countless hours of work and cost, for internet historians to furiously find, download, and archive, every unlisted video they can.
    The substandard communication around such a big change has left much to be desired, and you've left me with so many unanswered questions:
    - What are the details of the actual security vulnerability this protects against??
    - What level of risk are we even talking about?
    - What is the security impact of opting out?
    - Will 'upgraded' videos still be playable from existing playlists? If not, what about after they are returned to Unlisted status?
    - Is there a way for a channel to restore old IDs after July 23? If you do proceed with this ludicrous change, that feature would be critical to be able to restore availability.
    - Is there a way to upgrade the ID of individual videos without incurring the loss of quality and associated data, of having to re-upload?
    - Is there a way to opt-out only particular videos?
    - What other options for mitigation were considered?
    - Why only give a single month's notice if action is required by all channels?
    - Did you gather any community feedback regarding this change? I doubt more than a miniscule percentage of users would see this as something other than a detrimental change.
    YouTube have made a lot of negative and greedy changes in recent years, but this absolutely takes the cake. You MUST reverse this decision, lest you totally and utterly alienate the community. Please reimplement this as a opt-in feature on a per-video basis - the ability to regenerate a new (secret) ID at any time would be a handy feature anyway.
    Do see the excellent comment from @LittleshyFiM -
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    @vladebil3 years ago Imagine if youtube makes an actually good update. Too bad it' s never going to happen. 47
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    @fahoodie1852last year The absolute anger that this change still brings me a year on. It is so blood boiling seeing a website that was so important to my childhood get run into the ground by people who have no right to be running it. 5
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    @H67MA3 years ago Well, time to go through all my playlists and archive everything unlisted. Thanks youtube. 35
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    @fraer58683 years ago Many channels are abandoned. Now a lot of cool videos will disappear. 22
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    @suz992 years ago This is like putting shy people in prison for not public speaking. 8
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    @wildboyintraining3 years ago There is literally no reason for this to happen. No one asked for this. You' re erasing history, and doing another thing that is completely unnecessary. 101
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    @CarsSimplified3 years ago Interesting. If an unlisted video affected by the update is in a playlist, gets the url change, automatically goes private, and then gets manually changed . ...Expand 21
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    @SamJoex3 years ago Good thing i don' t have any unlisted videos
    although rip classic unlisted videos accessible from old websites.
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    @PrinceWesterburg3 years ago It is data, it has an id, as someone with 40+ years in computing i see no reason for the change, the security update could be applied to all content. id="hidden20"
    i did hear that the biggest expense to youtube was the millions of unlisted and unwatched videos they store for free. So this is polite but
    . ...Expand 17
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    @TachEdits3 years ago Are the people working at youtube actively trying their hardest to make users miserable? 17
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    @EDav11233 years ago This is absurd. In what way is this actually improving the website' s security measures. It will only delete in all but name a hefty number unlisted . ...Expand 14
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    @Appletank83 years ago So, what are the solutions if the account the unlisted video is on is inactive? Seems like the opt-out system forces a decision on people who are incapable of making one. 5
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    @xTinkerPaulx3 years ago A useless change that absolutely no one will benefit from. This just feels like change for the sake of change rather than change that actually helps anyone. 8
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    @Collision_TN3 years ago So, someone wanna tell me what vulnerability they couldn' t fix to do all this? It' s clearly a matter of guessing the video id from the url. 44
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    @DaxesHacks3 years ago Es gracioso cuando dicen que esos videos son antiguos y no tendrn nuevas visitas youtube se olvida que antes las personas suban videos por compartir sus . ...Expand 6
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    @fffrankk3 years ago You keep repeating the phrase " you won' t benefit from this security update" as you wrote in your mail, but never bothered to explain what the benefit from this security update actually is. 99
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    @XSFlanger3 years ago What are the security changes? Is there any published doc describing it?
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    @wildgoosespeeder3 years ago Sounds like we should move to private for now and then unlisted once again, once july 23rd rolls around? Sounds like unlisted will still be a feature, . ...Expand 3
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    @lisyarfoxcek5223 years ago I feel sad about old unlisted videos that will become private because of this update. Some of these channels are inactive so some of them will be private forever. 11
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    @OntarioTrafficMan3 years ago Why is there no option to re-code the videos with the new more secure links, allowing us to keep them unlisted without losing the chronological order and video data? 5
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    @ThatSquidYT3 years ago And what about dead youtubers that uploaded unlisted content before 2017? They literally can' t access to their youtube accounts and their videos could be missed forever. 12
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    @piercekafka3 years ago Once its made private, can i still make it public in the future? And why not just remove the unlisted links and give the videos the new security links? I . ...Expand 15
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    @PluckyInc3 years ago This is like burning down entire libraries. Wonder if some music label/media company forced their hand. I mean google drive is going to implement " resource . ...Expand 7
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    @ragrappy003 years ago Another stupid update from youtube. Also what' s with all the bots in the comments? 41
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    @alexholker13093 years ago This is a stupid change to force on people. Private content is not an adequate substitute for unlisted content - if i wanted to share a progress update . ...Expand 4
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    @ChrisMessina3 years ago What is the " security update" and what is it securing, and for whom? 28
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    @Chugway11383 years ago Question: if a video was made in, say, 2009, and then it was made private around 2016 or 2017, and then it was made unlisted around 2019 or 2020, would it still be available to watch after july 23rd? 2
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    @Wissle3 years ago Another change nobody asked for. Thanks a lot.
    you really need to make this opt-in instead of opt-out.
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    @duck74UK3 years ago I don' t understand, why 4 years after the security update? And why move them to private? I want to say this is just some way to purge content from . ...Expand 25
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    @izuix56293 years ago Something youcan do to help preserve old unlisted content:
    go through all your playlists (likes, watch later, etc)
    look for all so you can save, reupload or watch them one last time. ...Expand
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    @DylanShupeMusic3 years ago Another change that no one asked for. If my video is unlisted its unlisted if i have it set to private, or unlisted or whatever you do not touch it. 10
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    @Techarmsbu3 years ago Why not just make the old unlisted links redirect to " new and improved" unlisted links instead of making them private? 7
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    @MR_DAVE_N_WATCH3 years ago If youtube wants to go ahead and pull this they might as well say they hate the entirety of the arg community. 9
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    @hackerwaffle3 years ago What dumbo here doesnt understand is that the unlisted feature has been used heavily for embeds on other sites, youtubes value as a video host just dim . ...Expand 8
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    @WouterWeggelaar3 years ago Wow. Because video ids were more easy to guess pre 2017, you will now wilfully erase a lot of history from public record by disabling all video' s every creatorknows unlisted does not mean private and you always run the risk of people finding the url.
    i fully expect a ton of copyright infringements, as fans start re-uploading their favourite creators video' s.
    i also expect family members to lose the video' s their loved ones shared with them before passing away.
    way to go youtube. As with all your changes, there' s only two words you need to understand: " opt in"
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    @LeafRazorStorm3 years ago " okay, but why are you deleting
    " because new links are more secure! "
    " and what does the new security actually change? "
    " new links are more secure! "
    " in what way were the old links less secure? "
    " new links are more secure! "
    " how does one breach security on older videos in ways they can' t do with newer videos? "
    " new links are more secure! "
    " what does breaching security on a youtube video even mean? "
    " new links are more secure! "
    " if our security is so important to you, why did you wait four and a half years to roll out this change? "
    " new links are more secure! "
    " is this just another pathetic excuse to reduce
    " new links are more secure! "
    " yeah, i thought so. "
    ...Expand 18
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    @leofrishberg91583 years ago So, in addition to all of the concerns raised by folks below / above (but really, what do you expect from a private monopoly? Folks who are concerned about . ...Expand 2
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    @darkblastoise91993 years ago Wow you guys absolutely no idea what you guys are doing, censoring older videos because of your beliefs and giving extra work for content creators is a . ...Expand 5
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    @tohtoriTurvotus3 years ago I' ve linked lots ofvideos on a private forum with my friend (started 2008) so if i choose to " opt out of this change" will the oldvideos still be hidden from anyone who doesn' t have the link?. ...Expand 2
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    @jas168993 years ago I remember when the internet was good. Rip. 10
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    @AshManXP3 years ago You failed to describe exactly what the " security changes" are. 27
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    @prowershy55503 years ago Congratulations youtube, you can' t listen to your consumers this time. I know there are several instances where this was the case but i don' t think so many videos will be lost forever and this video really shows how little they care about it. If you really do want us to support you, i would recommend you reconsider this very soon, as there is only one day left. ...Expand 11
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    @maxresdefault_3 years ago I feel sorry for the people hired to stand in front of the camera for these terrible update videos. 5
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    @psychocthonaut3 years ago It' s almost like they are trying their hardest for people to use a different platform for videos. 9
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    @catskvll39773 years ago I don' t want my old comfort videos to disappear: 12
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    @AlexCChichester3 years ago I' m really confused - what happens if i just let the videos go private, and then just switch them back to unlisted? 26
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    @DanHarkless_Halloween_YTPs_etc2 years ago The youtube blog post claimed " if you have a video that is impacted by this change, well notify youbut i received zero notification, a i' m just now learning about this a year and a half later. Just finished restoring my forcibly privatized videos back to unlisted (including ones i' d intentionally made links to from public videos) also extremely irritating is the complete lack of transparency on what the security upgrade entailed, which was perplexing me since the url format didn' t change.
    took a lot of searching, but i finally found the details on the r/datahoarder thread " archive team' s youtube unlisted video grab hits a 100tbs" and a hacker news thread it links to:
    video id is just a base64' ed des-encrypted primary int64 video key from mysql. It used to be sequentially incremented until at some point they switched to randomly generated primary keys. Any (ex- engineer who snapped a copy of the encryption key (it used to sit right in the code for anyone to see) can enumerate all videos from yt until that moment, including unlisted - which are only protected by secrecy of that one key. If the key leaks, then also anyone in the world can. That' s what they are afraid of here. Source: worked for yt
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    @blank_slate23802 years ago What makes this inconvenient for me is that now that my unlisted videos have become private (because i found out about this late) making those videos id="hidden44" public will change the timestamp on the videos to the current date and make it look like a new upload on my channel (this happens when you change a video from private to public, as opposed to turning an unlisted video public which doesn' t happen) i don' t want people thinking i just uploaded these videos. I prefer my videos to have the timestamp of the original upload. ...Expand
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    @MargaretZukowska3 years ago When should i upload the unlisted videos again to be able to set them as unlisted? Should i do it now, before 23 of july?
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    @izuix56293 years ago There is a tool that can go through playlists and find unlisted videos published before 2017:
    To get it working you need to open the downloaded folder in an IDE that can run Python and follow the instructions in the Readme file (you'll also need to create a YouTube API key). ..
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    @McBobtheruggaman3 years ago With those ears you' d think this dude would have been able to hear all the criticism. 10
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    @cowbull2 years ago Please reset all of these videos from private to unlisted again. It is your responsibility to do so, and it can not be done manually by your enormous amount of locked out and inactive users. 9
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    @APairOfOldSkoolVans3 years ago Unlisted videos are so useful! Maybe i want to make a video for school and i only want my teacher too see it? Or maybe i just want all my videos unlisted . ...Expand 5
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    @JVMstudio973 years ago Here' s an update for you:
    change your ceo.
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    @andruscorpis3783 years ago It would seem that the company is not stupid, with big finances, but does such stupid things, which is why creative content of people flies into the abyss . ...Expand 1
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    @coursearena34823 years ago Can i use youtube' s audio library music on other platforms?
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    @gyaruface3 years ago Man it' d be great if you guys actually put an ounce of thought into your decisions. 8
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    @nishfaith3 years ago Hi! random question - but I need help answering this as I have basically lost one of my videos and haven't been able to get an answer from youtube support about this! (this is the vid I'm talking about in reference: . Basically I tried to re-edit my video on youtube and because of that I had to revert it back to original and as it was one of old videos I DIDN'T realise I would need this video later so I DELETED the video off my laptop (stupid I know!!) and I'm guessing that's why the video is no longer there when I went back to check the processing. I'm not sure what to do as I have tried recovering my files by downloading different softwares and nothing's worked unless there is a different way or a reason to why my video has gone missing as there haven't been any restrictions to the video itself.IF ANYONE KNOWS A WAY PLS HELP, it'll be very much appreciated!!!! :) .. ...Expand
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    @Dat-Mudkip3 years ago First erasing history, now removing dislikes.
    what monstrosity do you have planned next?
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    @TheBillABCTV3 years ago Youtube creators after they are made to private can the uploader make them unlisted again?
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    @SakuraPottage3 years ago Someone replace the entire staff with competent employees, especially the ones who thought of this disaster, pronto! 10
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    @UTSSC3 years ago We have repeatedly changed our older videos back to unlisted. But every morning they revert back to private. This is not what you said will happen. We cannot make the old videos stay unlisted. 3
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    @CynicalReviews3 years ago Yet another change literally noone wants or asked for. Awesome. 19
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    @mrmemehog3 years ago Another change that nobody has asked for. Like, who' s the one with the goddamn peanut brain for coming up with this idea. This is a huge loss of internet just why. You just don' t realize it yet. Sometimes you should be thinking more about these kinds of ideas on how it' s going to affect other people. ...Expand 7
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    @phoenixflambe33193 years ago Here' s a better solution you guys didn' t think of. Update the older videos and regenerate new links. 2
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    @andremalefic3 years ago I have some unlisted videos like 15 to 20 vids, if i turn these to public, will my subscribers get mass notifications from these videos?
    i dont want them to get notified.
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    @skellyartzidations45243 years ago Atleast they' re actually telling us this as opposed to just dropping it out of the blue lol.